The following is a list of resources you may find useful.
Meeting and Speaker Presentations/Links
- Pollen Nation [July 2011]
- Nathan Sheet's North Dallas Honey [May 2011]
- Blake Shook's Desert Creek Honey [Mar 2011]
- Dr. Larry Connor's WICWAS Press. [Feb 2011]
- John Caldeira's website [Oct 2010]
- Collin County Honey Queen Program [Sep 2010]
- John and Teresa Musser's Aquaponics and Sustainable Living website from the August 2010 Apiary Tour
- Bee Pests (PDF): Presentation on Bee Pests [Kim Schofield, Jul 2010]
- Highlights from May Apiary Tour (PDF) [Ginger Jensen, Jun 2010]
- Insects in the City is the website hosted by Mike Merchant, our June Speaker [Jun 2010]
- Encaustic Painting: Bio for Brett Dyer, Texas Wax homepage [Apr 2010]
- Highlights from March Apiary Tour (PDF) [Ginger Jensen, Apr 2010]
- Bee Plants (PDF): Christi's list of plants that bees love. [Christi Baughman, Mar 2010]
- Bee Ordinances (PDF): Bee ordinances for various Dallas-area municipalities. [Alan Eynon, Feb 2010]
- Topics in Current Honeybee Research (PDF): Highlights of some recent research on honeybees. [Alan Eynon, Sep 2009]
- Selling Honey (PDF): Rules, regulations and tips for selling your honey. [Janet Rowe, Aug 2009]
- Collin County Hobby Beekeepers Association: Our friends to the north.
- East Texas Beekeepers Association: Our friends to the east.
- Texas Beekeepers Association: State-level professional beekeepers' organization.
- National Honey Board: The honey producers trade organization with lots of information and recipes
Bee Advocacy
- From the site: "We are committed to providing clear and valuable information and awareness to individuals who are concerned about the survival of the Pollinators."
- Help the Honey Bees: Häagen-Dazs' bee advocacy site.
- The Honey Bee Conservancy: From the site: "Our mission is to raise awareness about the importance of bees and to inspire people and communities to act as stewards and advocates for bees and their natural environment."
Bees, Queens, Beekeeping Suppliers and Other Pollinators
The following is a partial list of some of the bigger suppliers, alphabetically. You can Google for "beekeeping supplies" for more information. Trinity Valley Beekeepers does not specifically endorse any of these companies but merely provides the links for your convenience. Should your company wish to be listed here send an email to
- B. Weaver Apiaries: Package and queen bees.
- Beetight: Free online bee hive tracking and record keeping.
- Betterbee: General beekeeping equipment.
- Crown Bees: Resource for Mason Bees and Mason Bee supplies.
- Dadant: General beekeeping equipment.
- Desert Creek Honey: Queen bees available - contact Blake Shook by email or by phone at 214-886-6899.
- Mann Lake : General beekeeping equipment.
- R. Weaver Apiaries: Package and queen bees.
- SKS Bottle and Packaging: Honey jars and beeswax product containers.
- Walter T. Kelley : General beekeeping equipment.
General Information
- Major Buzzzz: The Story of Honey: Portal to many interesting bee articles. [Thanks to Kenzie for suggesting this.]
Member Sites
The following are websites of some of our members.- Happy Hen Farm: Urban farm maintained by Lara Guerra