Trinity Valley Beekeepers Association


2009 Meetings

August: Texas Honey Queen (Nicole Pettibon) and Selling Honey (Janet Rowe)

Nicole Pettibon Janet Rowe Janet Rowe
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2009 Texas Honey Queen Nicole Pettibon Janet Rowe presenting "Selling Honey" Janet Rowe

July: What To Do WIth Beeswax (Jan Aerts)

Nicole Pettibon Janet Rowe Janet Rowe
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Jan with a skep from Belgium Demonstrating his wax melter Jan's wax melter
Nicole Pettibon Janet Rowe Janet Rowe
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Some examples of beeswax products Beeswax candle Another skep from Belgium

February: Woodenware (Jan Aerts)

Jan at Board Logo 2
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Jan Aerts on woodenware Jan with skep from Belgium

2008 Meetings

Alan Jan Speaking Jan Demos
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Alan Eynon starting the Jan 2, 2008 meeting Jan discussing bee removal techniques and technology (Jan 2, 2008) Jan's bee vacuum
Jan Grapling
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Jan with his grapling tool.

Hives and Frames

Hive Hive Hive Inspection
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One of Alan's Hive
(Alan Eynon, 5/2004)
Another of Alan's Hives (Alan Eynon, 7/2006) Inspecting the Hive
(Alan Eynon, 7/2006)
Honey Arch Brood Brood
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Honey arch surrounding brood.
(Alan Eynon, 2/2008)
Capped Brood
(Alan Eynon, 2/2008)
Capped Brood
(Michael Currin, 3/2008)
Pollen Frame Bee Eggs Bee Larvae
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Frame of Pollen
(Michael Currin, 3/2008)
Bee Eggs
(Alan Eynon, 3/2008)
Bee Larvae
(Michael Currin, 2/2008)
Queen Bee
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The sometimes elusive queen bee.
(Michael Currin, 3/2008)

Bees in the Wild

Bee in Flower Wild Bees Bee on Bush
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Bee in Morning Glory (Alan Eynon, 9/2002) Wild bees working their hive, Euless, Texas (Steve Martin, 10/2007) Bee on flowering bush, Irving, Texas
(Steve Martin, 11/2007)


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