Trinity Valley Beekeepers Association

By-Laws of the Trinity Valley Beekeepers
DRAFT - January 20, 2009


Section 1. This non-profit 501(c)3 organization shall be known as the Trinity Valley Beekeepers hereinafter called the Club.


Section 1. The purpose of the Club shall be to promote beekeeping in the Dallas / Fort Worth area, to increase public understanding of bees and beekeeping, and to serve the greater community when issues involving bees arise.


Section 1. All persons interested in bees and beekeeping shall be eligible for membership.

Section 2. Applications for membership shall be presented at a regular meeting to be acted upon by a membership committee appointed by the President. Each applicant must express a willingness to abide by the Club By-Laws and other rules promulgated by the Club.


Section 1. The officers of the Club shall be: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Member At Large. Offices other than President may be combined if considered desirable.

Section 2. The officers of the Club shall be elected for a term of one year by a majority vote of the membership present, provided there is a quorum present.

Section 3. Vacancies occurring between elections must be filled by special election at the second meeting following a withdrawal or resignation.

Section 4. Officers may be removed by a three-fourths vote of the membership present at a special meeting.


Section 1. The annual meeting for the election of officers shall be in December. Their term shall run from January 1 to December 31 of the following year.

Section 2. Nominations of candidates for office in the Club shall be by open nomination.

Section 3. Election may be conducted by voice vote unless there is more than one candidate for a particular office. In this case, vote shall be by secret ballot with a majority of all votes cast and counted being necessary for a choice.


Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at the meetings of the Club.

Section 2. It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the President, and to preside over the meetings of the Club in the absence of the President.

Section 3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep records of the meetings of the Club, and to conduct the correspondence and to perform other duties as shall be required.

Section 4. It shall be the duties of the Treasurer to collect the revenues of the Club and make disbursements as authorized and keep safely the funds of the Club and make regular reports.

Section 5. It shall be the duty of all Club officers to oversee the planning and direction of the Club.


Section 1. The Club may levy upon the general membership such dues and assessments as shall be deemed necessary for the business of the Club. The fiscal year shall be from January 1st to December 31st. Dues are payable from January 1st to prior to the March meeting. Nonpayment of dues shall be cause for loss of voting privileges and ineligibility to hold office. Members who have not paid their current year's dues by March 31st will be dropped from the membership rolls. Reinstatement shall be according to ARTICLE III, Section 2.


Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held the first Wednesday of each calendar month in the Science building of Eastfield College Dallas, TX or at such other location as designated by the President. The monthly business meeting of the Club officers shall be arranged by prior agreement among the officers. Special meetings may be called by the President or by a quorum of the membership. Notice shall be given at least 72 hours prior to the meeting time except for meetings involving a vote on the By-Laws which will require two weeks notice.

Section 2. A quorum for conducting meetings, either regular or special, shall be five members, including at least one officer.


Section 1. The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the total membership present. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted at a regular business meeting and shall be voted on at the next regular business meeting. The Secretary, or a designated alternate, shall notify the membership regarding proposed amendments. Notification shall be made at least two weeks in advance as to the date of voting on said proposed amendments.


Section 1. In all matters of procedure not covered by these Bylaws, provisions of Roberts Rules of Order, Revised shall prevail.



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